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Tips For Naming Your Portable Restroom Business: Creative Names for Porta Potty Companies

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing a memorable and standout name for your porta-potty business is important. It should be easy to remember and sound good when spoken aloud.
  • Your business name should reflect your values and services. For example, if speed is your selling point, pick a name that shows this.
  • Creative, rhyming, or fun names can make your business more memorable.
  • Make sure the name you choose is available online (domain names, social media handles) and doesn’t clash with existing businesses in your area.
  • Avoid long, complicated names or acronyms that are hard to remember or spell. Keep it simple!

How many business names do you see per day? Probably so many that you couldn’t keep count! If you don’t want your business to be forgotten in a sea of generic business names, it’s probably a good idea to put some thought into your portable restroom business name… Especially in an industry like portable sanitation, branding your business with an appropriate name is a surefire way to stand out!

In this post, we’re going to give you essential tips for naming your portable restroom business, including creative names for porta potty companies as a source of inspiration. Ready to dig in? Let’s go!

Tips for Naming Your Portable Restroom Business

When naming your portable restroom business, there are several key things to consider:

  • Make sure the name is memorable and stands out
  • Consider how it will look on a sign or business cards
  • Think about how the words sound when spoken aloud
  • Check for online availability (domain names, social media handles)
  • Research to make sure there are no other businesses with similar names in your area
  • Stay away from long acronyms or complex spellings that can be hard to remember
  • Consider the potential for growth and if your company’s vision will change over time
  • Don’t forget to check trademark databases

Memorable Porta Potty Business Names

When choosing a name, focus on creating something that is unique and that will stand out in the minds of your customers. Too many times new porta potty companies will go with a corporate name like “Western Waste Company”, which is not a good name for several reasons. For one, it doesn’t specify portable restrooms and secondly, it is generic and will surely be forgotten.

Use ChatGPT

Everyone is talking about AI and how it might affect your business. One thing that may help you brainstorm ideas is by asking ChatGPT what are some funny or clever porta potty business names. I typed in, “What are some funny porta potty company names” and this is what came up:

  1. Potty Palace
  2. Throne Depot
  3. The Tinkle Tent
  4. Flushable Flats
  5. Porta Party People
  6. The John Junction
  7. The Lavatory Lodge
  8. The Relief Room
  9. The Commode Castle
  10. The Restroom Ranch

Consider Your Niche Market

Depending on your target audience, some of these ChatGPT examples could work very well. For instance, “The Restroom Ranch” could work perfectly if you live in a rural area and cater to farmers. “Porta Party People” could work if you mostly do events. Consider your target market before settling on a name.

Make Your Porta Potty Business Name Rhyme

If you want a clever porta potty business name, there’s no better way than to rhyme! Words that rhyme are hard to forget and thus can be great way to stand out to your potential customers. Here are some examples:

  • Potty Party
  • Throne Zone
  • Loo Crew

Should Reflect Your Values

Your business name should also reflect the values, mission and services of your business. If your unique business proposition is speedy service, then you can go with a name that reflects that value. If your business values is clean products, then of course it will be different. You should consider your unique angle on the market when coming up with a name for your business!

Consider How It Will Look on a Sign of Business Card

You will surely need to create a logo shortly after settling on a business name, therefore it’s important to consider how the logo will look on a business card. You don’t want to choose a business name that’s too long and with enough creative flexibility to brand yourself well.

Check if Domain Name Is Available

You will need a website for your brand so making sure that the name you choose has a domain available is important. You also will need to make sure that the name you choose is legally allowed to be used (there is no trademark). There are four scotty potties in existence today operating in different states. It’s important to make your business name stand so you don’t confuse potential customers.

Use Made-Up Words

Many people think that if they rent portable restrooms, they have to put words like “portables”, Portable Rental”, and Portable Rental Services”. While this is good for SEO in your domain name, it is not a good strategy for branding. Whatever you want your business to stand for is how your name should be reflected. Use made-up words and make it fun!

Let Your Entire Team Have a Say

Gather as much feedback as you can from your portable restroom team so you can make sure the name resonates with everyone. Since they have so much real-life experience, they might even have the perfect idea to improve it!

Need Help Starting a Portable Restroom Business?

We got you covered. Learn everything from creating a business plan to marketing your portable restroom business with this information-packed guide today.

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What to Avoid When Naming Your Portable Restroom Business

  • Too lengthy of a name: You will use this name in your logo, website, social media, and more. You don’t want it to be so long that it can’t fit on these platforms and be too difficult for customers to type out. The rule of thumb is to keep your name to 1-2 words.
  • Limiting the growth of your business: If you think you will want to expand your business to offer dumpster rentals or septic pumping or anything else, don’t name your business something that will limit you in the future. Dream big but don’t pressure yourself into planning out the nitty gritty of your future growth.
  • Being generic: as mentioned before, you don’t want to be forgotten because your business name is too bland. The name you choose is the first thing a customer will hear and resonate with. Make sure it gives you the identity you want.
  • Naming your business close to competitors: Being easily identifiable is important. You don’t want customers being confused by your competition’s business and deciding to go with them over you because they didn’t know better.
  • Unrelatable names: You want to attract the exact clients you need so be sure to pick a name that doesn’t mislead customers and draw in the wrong ones. Keep it related to the industry you are in and who you serve.

Top 10 Creative Portable Restroom Names

Lots of portable sanitation businesses like to go this route when naming their operation. There’s a good reason behind this. Having a catchy name that rhymes or has alliteration (starting words with the same letter), makes it much easier for people to remember such as:

  • Scotties Potties 
  • Purple Potties
  • Jones Thrones
  • Pink Portables
  • Premier Portables
  • Clean Can 
  • Stankin Rankin
  • Jones Jons
  • Peachy Potties
  • Luxury Loo’s
  • Rainbow Rentals

Top Ten Funny Portable Restroom Business Names

  1. Naming your operation something funny has more to offer than just making people laugh. It can even make you more approachable while giving you character and making you memorable. Some of the funniest names we have seen are: 

    • Doodie Calls
    • Urapeein Porta Pot
    • PeePalace
    • Pot-O-Gold
    • Floater’s Portables 
    • 2 Pees in a Pot
    • Turd Toters
    • Dirty Mike’s Potties
    • The Plush Flush
    • Pee Pot Portables

    All of the above names are already in use by other portable restroom businesses. Always make sure the name you choose is not already taken & is not trademarked. We suggest coming up with a backup name just in case your name is denied during the registration process. Talk with a ServiceCore Digital Marketing Expert today to see how we can help you get your new business to attract new customers online in no time. Book your free demo here

About the Author: Karsen

Karsen is a Marketing Specialist at ServiceCore. When she's not creating & sharing content for our community of Portable Sanitation & Dumpster Rental Operators, she loves hiking, snowboarding, concerts, & adventuring with her dog!
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