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Portable Toilet Operator Uses ServiceCore As Their “Secret Weapon” To Grow Portable Sanitation Business

Damian Baker is the CEO of VannGo Luxury Restrooms and Portable Solutions in middle Tennessee. Earlier in his career, Damian and his wife Lisa operated a rental and transportation business for the film industry in Los Angeles. They saw firsthand the importance of providing reliable portable sanitation on film sets, and this inspired them to start their portable sanitation business.

Like many Portable Toilet Operators, they started small, but once COVID hit in 2020 they experienced explosive growth. As they grew to 15 luxury trailers and 500 portable toilets they realized that managing their business on spreadsheets and unreliable software was not sustainable.


  • Routing required multiple systems
  • Managing their inventory
  • Billing required multiple systems
  • Managing customers and jobs

Managing Rentals Without The Right Software Was Difficult

One of the biggest challenges VannGo had was accurately managing their units. “It was a lot of chaos,” said Damian. “Post-it notes, guessing, scrambling around, and a lot of trying to make it work.” As a rapidly growing portable sanitation business, booking future jobs created a lot of stress because they weren’t confident that they’d have enough units to handle the job. Like a lot of PROs, VannGo carried multiple product lines and that was hard to manage in their previous system.

Managing Recurring Portable Toilet Routes Was Frustrating

Another major challenge VannGo had was scheduling routes. Their old system “made it hard to manipulate routes, especially those that were recurring,” said Damian. “You had to copy and paste a recurring route instead of directly editing it.” And that caused a lot of wasted time and stress. Damian said that their drivers often wasted a lot of time in the field waiting for their old software to connect to the internet so they could service jobs.

Billing Customers Required Multiple Systems

Before ServiceCore, VannGo’s billing process was prone to errors because it required multiple systems and their office staff had to manually enter customer info in two places (QuickBooks and spreadsheets). Their office girls didn’t have the information they needed in one place, so keeping up with recurring billing was difficult and they sometimes missed out on revenue.

VannGo knew that if they wanted to provide the best customer service while experiencing rapid growth, they needed a better solution. That’s when they gave ServiceCore a look.

VannGo Makes The Switch To ServiceCore

When VannGo decided to use ServiceCore they understood that switching systems shouldn’t take place with a flip of the switch. Damian said that ServiceCore’s implementation team (who are former operators) broke the training down into bite-sized pieces and took the time to train their staff so they could be confident in using ServiceCore.

VannGo’s Benefits Of Using ServiceCore

  • They can do it all from one system.
  • Editing routes on the fly is easy.
  • They always know how many units are available.
  • Billing their customers with ServiceCore saves time.
  • It’s easy to manage customers in any department

SOLUTION: One Tool That Does It All!

Once VannGo was up and running with ServiceCore, they immediately noticed that it was easier to schedule jobs, edit routes, manage their inventory, and bill their customers.

One of the biggest benefits of switching to ServiceCore was how easy it was to set up and schedule routes. Now VannGo is able to edit routes on the fly, and they don’t have to waste time copying and pasting recurring routes—all from one system. Another benefit is that their drivers know exactly where to place, service, and pick up units. And ServiceCore made it easy for them to communicate with the office if there was a problem. Damian likes how his drivers can take a picture of a locked gate or damaged unit with the ServiceCore mobile app, and the office staff can jump on issues immediately.

VannGo loves how easy it is to manage their units in ServiceCore. They can book jobs with confidence because they know exactly how many units are available today, or on any date in the future. And ServiceCore makes it easy to manage all of its product lines.

The process of billing customers and getting paid got way better with ServiceCore. “We can collect more money with ServiceCore,” said Damian “simply because the team can do it all from one system.” They also like how they can batch bill their recurring invoices each morning with just a few clicks.

At the end of the day, what mattered most to VannGo was being able to provide outstanding customer service while growing. “There is no worry about scaling our business up because of ServiceCore,” said Damian. He joked that “if you share ServiceCore with other operators, it won’t be our secret weapon anymore.”

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About the Author: Karsen

Karsen is a Marketing Specialist at ServiceCore. When she's not creating & sharing content for our community of Portable Sanitation & Dumpster Rental Operators, she loves hiking, snowboarding, concerts, & adventuring with her dog!
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